"Train up a child in the way he should go;
    Even when he is old he will not depart from it."

Christ Family Kids is much more than childcare. Our greatest desire is to give the children at Christ Family Church a strong foundation in the gospel. We want the children of Christ Family to have a deeply rooted confidence in the character of God so they passionately follow Him all the days of their life. As a church, we want to walk alongside parents as they disciple their children to walk in the ways of the Lord by providing environments, curriculum, and resources that center on the gospel.

These are the different age groups within our Christ Family Kids Ministry:

Kid Seedlings

(0 –4 yrs)
Seedlings will meet every Sunday before Worship Service Starts. They will learn Bible lessons, create fun crafts, and interact with other children their own age in a safe and fun environment.

Kid Sprouts

(5 yrs- 11 yrs)
Sprouts will meet every Sunday for Worship (with families) and will be dismissed from the service.  They will enjoy their own small group Bible lessons, crafts, and multimedia skits that help them grow in Christ. 

Child Dedications 

Child dedications are a public commitment you make before God, your church, and your family. It is a great time to join together with our church family in making a covenant to raise your child according to God's principles.  

To schedule a child dedication or for more information on our Christ Family Kids Ministry, please email us at